Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tom Bertram Drops New Album

Calling all Tom Bertram fans... it's that time. Tom Bertram's new album, Brighter Days is only days away from dropping into your pretty little hands. We can't imagine what you are waiting for, so swing over to his WEBSITE and pre-order your copy now.

If for some unknown reason you are unaware of who Tom Bertram is, then please return to the rock you have been living under, pack your bags, and move to our world. Tom Bertram is a self taught UK-based singer/songwriter. You can check out his videos on YouTube where he posts a constant stream of covers and originals. Ladies, your insides will melt as you watch him strum away on his guitar, and men... there is something there for you too.

The album officially releases on January 27th and we can not wait to get it!

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