Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Band Review: Climb The Bell Tower

It’s safe to say opening acts aren’t always enjoyed when going to see our favorite bands in concert.

Well, there’s this tiny band, maybe you’ve heard of them, called the 100 Monkeys who are currently on tour with three other amazing bands: The Kissing Club, The Bleeding Horse Express and, my new favorite, Climb the Bell Tower. The band consists of Patrick on the guitar, Lauren on the bass and Richard on drums, with all of them making a contribution to vocals. These Florida natives definitely know how to rock. With their profound lyrics and classic punk-rock sound, it was hard for me not to enjoy the show they put on. They were so great, I immediately hit up the merchandise stand to buy their latest self-titled EP, introduced myself to the band and begged them to come back to my hometown as soon as they had the opportunity.

Now, to give you an idea of their sound—let’s picture Jimmy Eat World, New Found Glory and The Get Up kids all mashed into one. Some songs you should check out are Live Forever, I Try, Tell Me Everything and Everyone Can See. I only had the privilege of meeting Patrick and Lauren (they also happen to be recently married, a warm congratulations goes out to them if they’re reading this) who proceeded to give me a little more information about their background and how often they get to visit our hometown, Florida.


They’ve had the opportunity to tour with the 100 Monkeys which, I think, has given them a chance to showcase their music to a lot of people. We’ll close it off by saying that they’ve definitely gained a new fan in me (and hopefully, you too). Be sure to check out their music on iTunes, ‘Like’ their Facebook page and follow them on Twitter! If you happen to still be on the MySpace trip, they have one of those too! I wish the best of luck to this incredible band and hope to see them live again soon. 

Review by AOD staff member Cachie and pictures courtesy of Jessica Martinez

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