Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Lindsay Lohan Gets Lucky in Court

Lindsay Lohan seems to have gotten lucky again! Lindsay Lohan's attorney, Shawn Holley, entered a plea of no contest for Lohan on her misdemeanor theft charges and the judge seemed to have a soft spot for Lohan. Judge Stephanie Sautner said that she didn't believe that Lohan has a substance abuse problem, but rather her issues are stemming from something far deeper and that Lohan is "self-medicating" to help her own problems.

This caused the judge to forgo the substance abuse counseling and will not get any more jail time for her theft. She is still required to serve 120 days for her probation violation, which will turn into only 14 days, but rumors have it that Lohan might even be allowed to serve that time at home. She won't be able to leave the house at all for those 14 days, even to complete some of her 480 hours of community service she is working on, but it keeps her out of jail.

The judge has also ordered Lohan to complete psychological counseling and a shoplifters alternative class.  She does have 3 years of probation for the theft as well, but we will see if Lohan can keep her nose clean until then.


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